The Cycle of the Six Moons: The Starriest Summer

CSM01Silhouette-smallThe Cycle of the Six Moons:  The Starriest Summer
Book One
Release Date: December 20, 2015
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Fifteen-year-old Michelle saves the world on a daily basis…with her trusty video game controller, of course! Naturally, she jumps at the chance to play an experimental virtual reality game.

The beautiful fantasy world of Starrs? Check. The power to mold matter? Check. No reset button? Wait, she didn’t sign up for this!

Turns out Starrs is really real, and to make matters worse, Michelle’s interference awakens the Cycle of the Six Moons, a series of devastating trials that will devour the universe.

Fighting the apocalypse was way easier when danger stayed on the other side of the screen, but Michelle finds a secret weapon in her new-found powers. She uses them to rescue the crown prince of a powerful magic kingdom from their sworn enemies, a technologically-advanced cult that strives to eradicate magical blood.

Michelle starts to fall for Prince Jayse, the only one who believes Michelle to be a savior rather than a curse. But not even video games could prepare her for what the cult has in store for them…


Review by T.L. Mcdonald
5/5 stars
“Fantasy, adventure, a quest, and a world full of magic. What’s not to love.”

Review by 5 Girls Book Reviews
5/5 stars
“I loved this book! Ms. Goddess is my favorite character because she is funny, nice and very helpful.”

Review by mchull
5/5 stars
“People who love/loved video games and people who love adventure tales will not be disappointed. I read some every night and turned off the television for once to enjoy it.”

Review by Bell, Book, and Candle
4/5 bells
I really can’t express into worlds how ah-mazing this story is, and I cannot wait to read more!”

Review by Matina’s Bookcase
4/5 stars
“I cannot wait until I can get my hands on the next book to see how everything turns out. Fans of video game themed books, fantasy, fun romance, and wild adventures should pick up a copy of this book.”

Review by Reading to Distraction
4/5 stars
“This book was super fun!  It reminded me a bit of “The Unfortunate Decisions of Dahlia Moss” in the sense of a well-structured book about video games without being stereotypical, overly nerdy or not doing fans justice.”

Review by A New Look on Books
“I was amused and frustrated at times but her character did grow up… just not as fast as I would’ve liked. However that made her more real. She wasn’t some pseudo Goddess that knew everything and acted perfectly.”

Review by Cutting Muse
5/5 stars
“Video games, falling out of the sky, rescuing a prince, and magical adventure beyond your wildest imagination? What more could a girl ask for… This book has it ALL! Get ready to get lost in the pages of this epic adventure!”

Review by Books are Love
5/5 stars
“A wonderfully written imaginative book…you will not want to put down and continue to the end of the last of the book and the ones to follow in this wild, amazing, imaginative, entertaining and fun ride.”

Review by Readiculously Peachy
4/5 stars
“Kings and Queens, handsome princes and mentors, strange magicians and malicious creatures— this story has it all, and I’ll be anxiously waiting for the next installment to come out!”

Review by Areli
5/5 stars
“I love how the author made the characters connect to me. Like somehow they were really real. There are also two “swoon-worthy” guys.”

Review by Rachael at Crossroad Reviews
4/5 stars
“The nerd in me was literally ready to sell her soul to get the chance to read this!! And I’m so glad I did!!”

Review by Jennifer
5/5 stars
“The novel is a love letter to children of the ’90s, an era of older-generation gaming consoles and nerd-dom before it became cool. If you are a fan of video games, you will feel right at home in the world of Starrs.”

Review by Ann Marie at Buried Under Romance
“Although it’s a book aimed at the younger reader, it’s still a book that hooked me and I am in my 40s.”